As the venture picked up pace, extensions to firms started taking place. Thus, started A V Cam Corporation which was an extension to Patel engineering. The company was involved in manufacturing guiderails and elevator geared machinery. Started in 2002, the company had more than 30 employees who worked under a 50X250ft shed with high-tech machinery such as planning machines, drill machines, and punching machines. This shed was located in Ahmedabad’s Odhav industrial area. As the corporation picked up pace fuelled to fire the A V Cam express, space become an issue. Hence, in order to magnify the ideas and visions of the company, A V Cam moved to Kathwada Industrial area where it had two separate units with a workforce of 70 people. Gradually, the company spent humongous amounts on acquiring High-tech machinery and automated machines. To farther the prospects into the elevator industry of India, the company started a fresh Research and development department where the best minds were put to work. Innovations and new-age technology came to light and thus, the dependency on vendors decreased.